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Market : Mobile phones wanted : LF: anything that works
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andrewkeith5 Posts: 293

after some t**t decided they wanted to steal my lovely a925 :(:(:(

i need a new phone

only problem is i have no money :'(

so if anybody out there is kind enough to donate a phone to a 15 year old in need of one...

id preferrably want colour with gprs, but whatever you can do is fine with me

maybe someones just upgraded their phone on contract and doesnt need the old one?

Posted: 2005-05-13 20:26:28
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fatreg Posts: > 500

if your phone has been stolen dont you need a sim too??

Posted: 2005-05-13 21:02:58
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haynesycop Posts: > 500

i havent got a phone but i can give you an o2 simcard if that helps

sorry about your phone thats harsh

is it not covered under your parents house insurance

maybe you could claim
Posted: 2005-05-13 22:23:47
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i smell something fishy check out this guys posts he offerd someone 80 pound for a p800 but he just said hes got no money.
sorry to the poster if im wrong
Posted: 2005-05-13 23:06:16
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Yazan24 Posts: > 500

Maybe he was planning on selling his phone, but it still is fishy, also I dont like the whole beg for a phone thing.

It pisses me off, when Im broke and dont have money for a phone I just suck it up and save until I can, Id like to keep my pride.

Also if your a 15 year old, your parents can provide it, you obviously have access to a computer and so on, so just suck it up, get a job, do anything besides beg for a phone on the internet.
Posted: 2005-05-14 01:05:10
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andrewkeith5 Posts: 293

yes i would love to buy myself a new phone and get a job

i offeed 8£80 for a p800 when i had money, before i bought the a925

that was my hard earned cash fo 8 months, and i cant afford to wait that long for a phone

and thanks but i already have a load of sim cards, i will just use one of them

the reason im begging for a phone is because i dont have any money now, at all, and i need a phone for contacting friends and family
Posted: 2005-05-14 09:48:34
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haynesycop Posts: > 500

like i said cant you claim on house insurance

you never know it might be covered
Posted: 2005-05-14 10:26:22
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Yazan24 Posts: > 500

And your parents what do they think of this whole ordeal.
Posted: 2005-05-14 10:51:26
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andrewkeith5 Posts: 293

parents said theres nothing i can do about it:(

it isnt covered by the house insurnce as it wasnt stolen from the house
Posted: 2005-05-14 11:43:49
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fatreg Posts: > 500

some things are genarally covered for taking out the house.

just like if you went on holiday within the UK and your mum lost her wedding ring, sure as hell shes get a new on on insurance!

Posted: 2005-05-14 11:44:56
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