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Market : Mobile phones wanted : LF: E1000 or v800 or other 3G phones.
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< Esato Forum Index > Market > Mobile phones wanted > LF: E1000 or v800 or other 3G phones. Bookmark topic
dazbradbury Posts: > 500

Looking for either of the above really, got two z1010's to do a swap with, or will sell on eBay to pay for it...

Looking for the best price possible, preferrably unlocked and unbranded.

Will also consider any other 3G phone i think is good enough!

Thanks alot, Daz.

Posted: 2005-05-24 02:03:32
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jenbones Posts: > 500

i have a v800 mate, upgraded and de-branded from vodafone so now it is the new z800 upgrade How much do you want to pay?
Posted: 2005-05-24 17:33:46
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dazbradbury Posts: > 500

How much you looking to get?

I've just been offered an e1000 for £50, so think i will be taking that one.
Posted: 2005-05-24 18:17:59
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Mike.P® Posts: > 500

For £50 I wouldn't be thinking about it .. I would be ripping the blokes arm off.

Posted: 2005-05-24 19:39:06
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