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bogdan_wrc Posts: 206

does anybody know anything about s700's replacement?
thank you for your answers!
Posted: 2005-05-24 10:19:04
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batesie Posts: > 500

no nothing announced yet. but i'm sure you'll hear it first here on esato
Posted: 2005-05-24 10:22:55
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sid_812 Posts: 42

i heard somwhere that the next one will be S710i, it will be much thinner than the S700i and obviously have better features... no idea when its coming though... i will try and find and post the link that i read this on....ASAP

[ This Message was edited by: sid_812 on 2005-05-24 13:51 ]
Posted: 2005-05-24 14:50:10
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batesie Posts: > 500

no the S710 is exactly the same but is for American Mobile networks (and is black)
Posted: 2005-05-24 14:58:42
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nijgraham Posts: 117

The S700i / S710a replacement is a model codenamed Ellen. This is supposedly smaller (thinner) than the current model and will include a better camera. As the K750 and W800 are sporting 2 MP camera's I can't see the Ellen camera being less than 3MP!
Hopefully SE will also throw in some other incredible new features (Memory Stick Duo Pro anyone?)
Follow the link to another thread on this topic -
Posted: 2005-05-24 15:08:45
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


Ellen is the S500, which will most likely have a 1.3 MP camera, not a 3 MP camera. The upgraded version of the S700 will likely have a better camera ...
Posted: 2005-05-24 15:11:13
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nijgraham Posts: 117

Ok, so if it's not the Ellen, is the S700i replacement the Sakura? Think I may have just got the name wrong.
Also, don't actually know what camera will be on it, 3MP is just speculation (although I think it would seem about right)
Posted: 2005-05-24 15:14:43
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


Perhaps, perhaps not. There are a few new handsets being announced next month, Sakura being one of them by the looks of things. What I know, and can say, is that there will likely be a new smartphone (as mentioned on se-nse) as well as Ellen. That there may be something else, which will be rather exciting is merely speculation, at least until I confirm or deny it (or someone else does ).

"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC

[ This Message was edited by: scotsboyuk on 2005-05-24 14:23 ]
Posted: 2005-05-24 15:23:14
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nijgraham Posts: 117

Very intriguing. Guess we will all just have to wait until next month to end the speculation. Hope it's the beginning of next month - a week tomorrow!
Posted: 2005-05-24 15:25:53
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milmino Posts: 454

hmm... s500? interesting. I thik this could be for me if it has pro capabilities & fullscreen video. unfortunately even if they announce it next month, there will be a minimum of about 3-4 months of waiting till its release
Posted: 2005-05-24 15:33:14
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