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Arne Anka Posts: > 500

By the end of July or beginning of August, SE will start producing improved versions of K750 according to Eldar at mobile-review (its only in russia)

- Add CCD sensor (instead of CMOS)
- Better auto-focus function in dark conditions
- Better detalization of objects at the distances of 5 meters and lower comparing to CMOS
- Another algorithm of images processing - color saturation is better
- Better macro-mode shot processing
- Saving of shots made increased a little bit
- Power consumption is 5-10 percents higher
- Lens is changed as a result of new CCD sensor

Posted: 2005-05-26 12:43:09
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JiggyJaggy Posts: > 500

Mate with this camera im more than happy for the next few months!
Posted: 2005-05-26 12:47:45
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Davo_169 Posts: > 500

ccd ....nice...bout time too
Posted: 2005-05-26 12:49:21
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DickySnapples Posts: > 500

why didnt they just have these features in the first place? :-/
Posted: 2005-05-26 12:51:19
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Davo_169 Posts: > 500

too keep esato busy
Posted: 2005-05-26 12:51:44
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dreamfish Posts: 287

will they improve it though? i'm sure they just rename it and it'll be like a new model!?
Posted: 2005-05-26 12:52:24
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korbindallis Posts: > 500

used babel fish

Sony Ericsson K750i Is obtained CccD- matrix [ 12:16 ] author: El'dar Of murtazin After survey Sony Ericsson K750i on iXBT, in which it was written, that the model was equipped by CccD- matrix they arose disputes, what type of matrix is used in the apparatus in reality. On no account it is desirable to offend associates, but in all models of those existing is today used exclusively CMOS- matrices, they originally were planned to the installation in this model. This show test photographs in the accomodations, the noise of matrix increases, they are clearly distinguished. Basic problem at the moment of development Sony Ericsson K750i was size CccD- module, it was not entered in the form factor of telephone, at that moment not there were miniature modules with the acceptable characteristics. Those more curious appears the answer of the service of support Sony Ericsson, I will give its part: "Thank you for contacting the Sony Ericsson Call Centre. With regards to your enquiry, the camera specifications are as follows: Overview camera K750: CccD-Camera With The Integrated 2.0 megapixel camera with auto focus and digital zoom, the user can take pictures and video clips and save them in the phone memory or on the Memory Stick ". Regular question arises, why producer gives incorrect information and with which this is connected. Blits a study of a question, bells to people, which answer for this product, revealed very curious fact. The service of support obtained this information in connection with the fact that the company actually intends to change the type of matrix in the apparatus. All models, produced at the given moment, and which was put on the market will have a CMOS- sensor, the same concerns the apparatuses, which will be produced supposedly until July. Beginning from August, will occur the replacement of the module of camera, improvements besides the replacement of the type of matrix several: - the best work of auto-focus under the conditions of the low illumination - detailing objects higher at the distances of survey to 5 it is meter in the comparison with CMOS- module - another algorithm of working photographs, rises the color saturation of the picture - the best realization of treating the photographs from the macro-regime - insignificantly grew the time of the retention of the photograph - approximately by 5-10 percent grew the energy consumption - a change in optics of apparatus as a result of the replacement of the matrix Outwardly new CccD- module in no way differs, to see the difference between the "old" and "new" versions of telephones with the unarmed view is impossible. Company will try not to accentuate attention in an improvement in the camera in K750i, at least, to the moment of realization, sale of all already produced telephones. Subsequently both in the advertising materials and on the housing of telephone will appear the inscription about the fact that the module of camera CCD. tentatively this will occur before christmas sales. The module, which will find a use in Sony Ericsson K750i, becomes standard for the entire rule of the products of company, beginning from the average segment. The topovye models of this year will obtain e-megapiksel'nye matrices, but they will be altogether only CMOS. It turns out that optimum characteristics will possess precisely Sony Ericsson K750i. As were spoken many times to that by us, not always the purchase of telephone during the first days after the beginning of sales of opravdanna. Sometimes producer improves some components, as this occurred now. Unfortunately, at the given moment besides the developers of company no one can brag by presence Sony Ericsson K750i with CccD- matrix. We in the required order will draw a comparison of new matrix with the old at the end of the summer, and let us also draw a comparison with other models of this class. Taking into account that the quality of photographs to Sony Ericsson K750 is already today close to the maximum for such products, then the replacement of matrix, which gives increase as (not the times, but nevertheless improvement) appears justified. The main thing, that the producer does not intend to collect additional money for the replacement of the technical equipment of his apparatus. You will recall, as thus far was sharply increased the storage capacity on Sony Ericsson K700, this was pleasant unexpected contingency. So that historical examples be present, plus in the company is the desire to make a product uncompromisingly best.
Posted: 2005-05-26 12:53:34
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Pallister Posts: > 500

That`II be the K770i then

Posted: 2005-05-26 12:55:33
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Arne Anka Posts: > 500

On 2005-05-26 12:51:19, Higher ground wrote:
why didnt they just have these features in the first place? :-/

For the CCD, the article mentions that at the time K750 was supposed to be released there was no CCD small enought to fit in the formfactor of K750.

Firmware related stuff like improved algorithm will probably be available as an update to old K750 users as well I guess.

[ This Message was edited by: Arne Anka on 2005-05-26 12:03 ]
Posted: 2005-05-26 13:00:53
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gbrooks3 Posts: > 500

Yes! Finally the K750i is worthy of being actually sold. I am definatley waiting for this version now.
Posted: 2005-05-26 13:04:18
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