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General discussions : Product reviews : mini mini review of K600 and W800
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fatreg Posts: > 500


i had me the chance today to play on a W800 and K600 for about 5 mins.

W800 absoulty rocks, feels the same a K750i, menu same as K750i differnce is it has a walkman logo istead of music player/

K600, little bigger than i hoped. about 10% bigger than a T610. quite thick, nice cam, feels expensive. still got the same charger port as the K700 though? (was a proto though)

had me a quick flick thro the service menu on both and both were running full sw. but had proto imeis.

sorry thats all the info i got on me! but you ALL NEED a W800i!

Posted: 2005-05-26 23:08:41
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gbrooks3 Posts: > 500

K600 has old connector yes. As far as i know K750i style connector is the future as EMMA III will use K750i as its official medium.
Posted: 2005-05-26 23:47:40
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