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Market : Mobile phones wanted : Wanted: brand New Wholesale mobiles
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kinster Posts: 20


Just wondering where I can get brand new ones wholesale from? latest models etc.

Thanks in advance
Posted: 2005-06-30 12:21:16
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tinymo00 Posts: 1


can you please give me a short list of the phones you are interested in.
im a new poster here, so i'd like to keep all our dealings in the thread so everyone can follow our progress and also, maybe we dont have to answer the same question twice.

give me two models you are interested in, with quantities, and shipping country, and i'll post the reply here.

i'd like to do good business here, so please anyone reading this respond accordingly.
Posted: 2005-07-01 06:23:38
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V-Cell Posts: 1

Please i would like to receive a price list of all new brand name mobiles if possible.
Send me an e-mail to because i do not use this forum.
I'm interested in
Samsung D500 (5000 pieces)
Nokia 6230i (1000+ pieces)
Sony Erricson K750i (2000+ pieces)

I'm looking for very compatitive prices.
You can also call me at :
+31 6 16 32 67

Best regards,
S Hammoud
Posted: 2005-08-09 19:03:46
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dude_se Posts: > 500

scam alert

Posted: 2005-08-10 22:06:23
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Im_The_Scatman Posts: 74

Close this thread, complete set up! mods, track ips and match.....
Posted: 2005-08-12 19:43:47
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