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Market : Mobile phones wanted : What does z800 cost in europe?
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

Could u plps write here some offers? This message was posted from a Z1010
Posted: 2005-07-01 13:05:00
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haynesycop Posts: > 500

it is £359 from pixmania[....]7/art/sony-ericsson/z800i.html
Posted: 2005-07-01 13:06:46
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yvette0711 Posts: 9

germany: 412€
Posted: 2005-07-04 13:29:35
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jenbones Posts: > 500

eBay, about the same price as a v800 i would think!!
Posted: 2005-07-04 13:39:51
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haynesycop Posts: > 500

no it isnt

its dearer

i saw one for £415

and others for just under £300 from hong kong plus you would have to take into consideration import tax

very expensive for what you get imo
Posted: 2005-07-04 20:55:49
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jenbones Posts: > 500

on ebay i meant!!
Posted: 2005-07-04 20:58:34
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haynesycop Posts: > 500

i know so did i
Posted: 2005-07-04 21:40:18
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