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Regional : Europe, Middle East and Africa : panasonic GD67...
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salonikat68 Posts: 152

official release here in greece
in vodafone shops 310euro
101x80 pixels ,256cls the same as the T68
Posted: 2002-08-18 23:21:00
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bart Posts: > 500

thats cheap but i think the T300 is better then GD67 even the design of the t300 is better but i don't like it so the GD67 real sucks and won't sell much
Posted: 2002-08-18 23:24:00
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salonikat68 Posts: 152

GD67's design better than T300????
and the back cover where u can put your own image??????
are u serious?????
Posted: 2002-08-18 23:28:00
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riflogic Posts: > 500

You can put your own image on the back cover, thats true. but there is no way GD67 outclasses T300 in design. I cannot stand panasonic design (well apart from the upcoming GD87)
Posted: 2002-08-19 14:52:00
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DudeShagT300 Posts: 147

I have got both. GD67 is lighter and has a more modern look with its chrome colors. T300 is more of a retro style but very cool too. Actually cutting out a photo to put in the GD67 is hard but is a nice idea, although the picture in the back can look very out of style with the rest of the phone.
Gd67 joystick & keypad feels nicer but layout is not as good as T300.
T300 has more features and are generally better. The thing GD67 has going for it is Desktop Handsfree. The WAP on the GD67 must be the worst wap I've used for a very long time. It wouldn't let me download MIDI files as ringtones from my wap site.
Both have great screens and GD67 doesn't have profiles, it only allows loud & silent. It also doesn't vibrate on loud no matter how much I tried. I also had great difficulty getting games, in fact I got none.
Over all the T300 is a much better phone but with GD67 only £130 on O2 it is good value for money. On Voda for £170 it is not worth it at all.
Posted: 2002-11-03 15:01:00
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Eulogy Posts: 174

GD67 doesnt have MMS.That sucks
Posted: 2002-11-03 15:33:00
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