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darrengf Posts: > 500

Ok I did some research today with visiting a few shops.

I called in to 2 (O2) shops and my findings was the same.

I explained to them that i had just bought a new Sim Free 3g phone and my o2 card was a old 2g one. Can i updated the sim card or even purchase a new one.

In both shops the reply was no, We dont sell the 3g sim cards and can only give you one if you purchased a phone from us.

1 shop infact told me that currenlty o2 3g was only for the contract customers and not PAYG. However after me putting her correct and she did some more checking did appologise but still said that they dont have any o2 3g sim cards for sale.

I'm sorry that i cantbe more of a help, I think now you may have to speak to customer care and start to shout a little.

I did also go into Orange and Virgin.

Orange are doing them for £5

and Virgin are doing the Sims for £10 with £5 of calling credit.

However Virgin have been issueing USIM cards for over 3 years now, So all you need to do is ring virgin to activate video calling feature which takes just 20 mins to do so.

This also puts a quash to some theories that USIM card will not work in Normal 2G Phones.

I hope this helps

Posted: 2006-08-29 19:02:43
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DKCoo Posts: 21

thx for the help and research!
it does help and i have sorted it out now
Posted: 2006-08-29 19:16:42
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darrengf Posts: > 500

No probs.

Did you get one from customer care?
Posted: 2006-08-29 19:19:10
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DKCoo Posts: 21

yep free of charge
Posted: 2006-08-29 19:37:37
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

On 2006-08-29 19:02:43, darrengf wrote:
Ok I did some research today with visiting a few shops.

I called in to 2 (O2) shops and my findings was the same.

I explained to them that i had just bought a new Sim Free 3g phone and my o2 card was a old 2g one. Can i updated the sim card or even purchase a new one.

In both shops the reply was no, We dont sell the 3g sim cards and can only give you one if you purchased a phone from us.

1 shop infact told me that currenlty o2 3g was only for the contract customers and not PAYG. However after me putting her correct and she did some more checking did appologise but still said that they dont have any o2 3g sim cards for sale.

I'm sorry that i cantbe more of a help, I think now you may have to speak to customer care and start to shout a little.

I did also go into Orange and Virgin.

Orange are doing them for £5

and Virgin are doing the Sims for £10 with £5 of calling credit.

However Virgin have been issueing USIM cards for over 3 years now, So all you need to do is ring virgin to activate video calling feature which takes just 20 mins to do so.

This also puts a quash to some theories that USIM card will not work in Normal 2G Phones.

I hope this helps

Just shows what a bunch of liars o2 staff are. Either that or they dont know there a$*" from there elbow but whats new with o2.

Posted: 2006-08-30 00:17:38
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Sexygenius Posts: 45

I just rang o2 asking for a 3G SSIM Pay as you go for my M600 and they said they don't have any pay as you go ones?

they only supply them with the 3g phones not on their own. How did u guys get urs? :S

They said if i can get a hold of any o2 3g sim pay as u go i can transfer the number but they don't send any out
Posted: 2006-08-30 21:18:09
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DKCoo Posts: 21

omg wat liars! i just got mine in the post from them today with my number transfered ovr for free!
have a go at them and mention who is boss!
(you by the way!)

Posted: 2006-08-30 23:24:29
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Sexygenius Posts: 45

Yeah i'll do so in the morning. that was the second time i rang today. first time they said they don't do 3g sims for o2 pay as u go
Posted: 2006-08-31 01:23:33
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

This is bad, why are o2 lying to customers about this??????

Is it right that with other networks you dont have to get a "special" sim to use there 3G services? if so would that be a reason why o2 are lying to customers because loads of people are requesting one?

Tell them so why have so many o2 pay as you go customers got USIMS sent to them if they dont do it. What liars!

I know there customer service work shifts like an 8am-5pm and a 5pm-10pm so you could try speaking to a different person later in the day if you're that desperate to get an o2 USIM sim.

You aint missing much though as I cant tell any different in data speeds with this USIM compared to normal GPRS and what content have o2 got? bugger all. At least with Orange and Vodafone you can get Sky T.V on you're 3G handset if you so wished, better 3G coverage with both compared to o2 apparently.

This is something i'm looking into actually as o2 is rubbish, the only thing holding me is the freebie texts otherwise I would'nt hesitate on giving o2 the finger

[ This Message was edited by: Toney_Ericsson on 2006-08-31 21:30 ]
Posted: 2006-08-31 22:18:27
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iamcrunchie Posts: 90

I got a Pay+go 3g sim for free from o2 a few months ago.

I just rang up and they send you an unregistered 3g sim. Then when it turns up you just ring the number thats on the sim card to register it and they then transfer your old number/pay+go setup to the new imei number

they wouldnt send one at first as they said the o2 prepay sims are not ready yet but after giving them some stick "ive been with you x years etc etc" the guy on the phone spoke to their boss and they then agreed to send out the blank sim


most of the o2 staff dont know about it this because there are hardly any people that ask to do it and they don't sell blank sims so you can't blame them really.

However i found it pretty useless as there is only o2 3g coverage in cities around here so it was no use to me, i since got a three(3) sim and theres pretty much covereage everywhere around here and i live in the middle of nowhere

[ This Message was edited by: iamcrunchie on 2006-08-31 22:05 ]
Posted: 2006-08-31 23:04:02
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