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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

About my texting issue, I went into the o2 shop again and tryed my (Pre-Pay) o2 USIM inside another K800i and guess what? same problem of not being able to send more than a 1 page text when I have my handset set to use the 3G and GSM service.

This now proves it's not my handset. The bloke at o2 who is dealing with my case rang yesterday and I told him about it to which he said "oh I will have to reopen this case" (Well yeah I thought to myself).

This is apparently going to be looked into again by an o2 engineer whatever there suposed to do which doesnt appear to be a lot.

It is obvious now it's something wrong with my account how they have set it up or an actual o2 pre-pay problem.

If you hear of anyone having the same problem please post here, it does sound like somethings wrong with my account though.
Posted: 2006-11-24 17:09:59
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kiyouta Posts: 1

You're not alone.

I'm having the exact same problem, and even did all the things you mentioned! Apparently this is not k800i specific either. Some Nokia N70 users are having it too.

I suspect this is more widespread than O2 care to admit...
Posted: 2007-01-18 15:17:43
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happycheesecake Posts: 344

I read this thread at work, and with my two K800s I pulled a number of sub-6 month old mobiles from stock and took them home this evening. (I work with mobiles - I test new prototype handsets...)

So, armed with a stack of phones and a number of new O2 sims (both 2.5G and 3G) I've just tried swapping cards between phones and to be honest I'm shocked by O2's 3G coverage.

I can see the O2 arial from my bedroom window - its on top of the "Northampton Lighthouse" ... All the phones show the signal dropping from full to 1 bar or less when the phones detects a 3G signal... Ick.

I tried the same test at work with Voda, Orange & T-mobile as well as O2 with my two K800s. A similar issue occurs on O2 @ work - just north of Milton Keynes - with my phones.

So yes, I agree that there appears to be an issue with the O2 3G signal...
Posted: 2007-01-18 20:01:43
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

Hello there

Thank you for the two replys, good to get some more information on this from others.

I hope you have read my "It's Official O2 are crap" thread as most of my recent findings are in there, and yes it's official O2 are crap!

No 3G handset using a O2 Pay and Go 3G USIM with the handset using the O2 3G settings will send a multiple text. A O2 3G Pay and Go USIM will however send a multiple text if the handset is using 2.5G (standard GSM) settings which really defeats the object of having a 3G SIM.

Put a complaint in to O2 Customer Service either by phoning them or to the address I have posted in the other thread which is

O2 Compliant Review Service
PO Box 116
LS11 5DS

I have but have a complaint about a few things including that and customer service and obviously the multiple text issue.
Posted: 2007-01-18 20:49:20
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