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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

I'm amazed at O2's incompetence,

Spot the errors and how this idiot is trying to mislead me in this reply from O2.

"Thank you for contacting customer service about the problems you're having with your Pay and Go 3G SIM card.

Following on from what Vicky has told you, were aware that there is a problem with sending text messages which are larger than 180 characters from a Pay and Go SIM card.

This issue is more apparent with specific handsets including the Sony Ericsson K800i and The Nokia N73; however this problem does not affect all 3G handsets.

I can assure you that our engineers are investigating this fault at the highest priority. There is a case open with them and the reference number is *******. Unfortunately I am unable to tell you how long this issue may take to fix.

As our Pay and Go and Pay Monthly service operate on different platforms, there is a difference between the services which are available on them.

I'm also sorry that you're having difficulties using the 3G in your area and I can appreciate how frustrating this must be for you.

Your location does show good coverage on our online coverage predictor; however the map does show a prediction of coverage rather than a true measurement. This is because geographical and structural features arent taken into account so the actual coverage experience can vary. Please note that were always expanding our network and the coverage in all areas of the UK is constantly improving.

I hope youll find this information useful. If there's anything else we can do for you, please reply to this email.

You can also visit our online help centre at:

Important - When you email us please provide: your date of birth, postcode and mobile number as it helps us answer your query faster.

Kind regards,

Alpesh Patel
O2 Customer Service.

Getting your query right the first time you email us is very important to us. If your query has not been resolved this time, please reply to this email with the words 'Need More Help' in the subject field.

O2 (UK) Limited, Registered Office: 260 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire SL1 4DX. Registered in England No 1743099."

My reply will be along the lines of....

Yes I know you dont support multiple texts on the O2 3G service, I'm the one who told you that not you're numpty customer service representative who tried to tell me different and kept arguing that you can send multiple texts until I asked for it to be tested instead of blaming Sony Ericsson and blaming everyone else apart from O2.

Look how that idiot is trying to say "some handsets on O2 PAYG can send multiple texts when using O2 3G" No they cant, what an idiot.

I'm going to ask him which "specific" handsets "can" send multiple texts when using O2 PAYG 3G for the fun of it. I always thought that there is 160 characters in a text not 180 like he is suggesting.

Also, there is proof of the pudding from O2 at how accurate the 3G coverage map is on the O2 website which asks you to put you're postcode to see what sort of 3G coverage you have in you're area.

It's a prediction, yes I know you're bloody dreaming O2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ This Message was edited by: Toney_Ericsson on 2007-01-14 15:53 ]
Posted: 2007-01-14 16:50:12
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willo Posts: 163


"Also, there is proof of the pudding from O2 at how accurate the 3G coverage map is on the O2 website which asks you to put you're postcode to see what sort of 3G coverage you have in you're area."

You're dead right mate; I can't get a 3G signal when I'm in my office. Despite the fact that the O2 transmitter is 2 storeys above my head on the roof of our building!

The coverage map states I should have a 3G signal.

Posted: 2007-01-14 17:36:09
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

@ Willo

It's extremely patchy I find yes. Do you get the same outside you're office or would it be just inside the building?

Ok everyone, what the hell is this reply I got from O2 today look below, this is the reply I got after asking "so which specific handsets are supported by the O2 3G Pay and Go service, also its after 1 page in length, 160 characters are in a 1 page text.

"Thanks for emailing us about the problems you're having with your Pay and Go 3G SIM card.

The 3G mobile phones by O2 Pay and Go which supports 3G service are O2 ICE, Samsung Z320i, Sony Ericsson K610i, Sony Ericsson K800i, Sony Ericsson P990i.

Were aware that there is a problem with sending text messages, which are larger than 180 characters from a Pay and Go SIM card.

Our engineers are investigating this fault at the highest priority and as soon as the issue is resolved well contact you.

If you need further information about this matter, please reply to this email.

For further details about O2, please visit our online Help Centre at:

Important: Please make sure that every time you contact us you include the following information: Your Date of Birth, Postcode, Mobile Number.

Kind regards,

Irfan Fodkar
O2 Customer Service.

Getting your query right the first time you email us is very important to us. If your query has not been resolved this time, please reply to this email with the words 'Need More Help' in the subject field and well deal with your response as a matter of priority.

O2 (UK) Limited, Registered Office: 260 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire SL1 4DX. Registered in England No 1743099."

Why is he mentioning the Sony Ericsson K800i as being supported when this whole issue is about it not being supported including other handsets that I have tried. I question those handsets as being supported as I dont believe they are as the multiple text issue is because of O2's 3G Pay and Go system/platform - I would think thats pretty obvious.

I've just tried sending a multiple text from my girlfriends Sony Ericsson K610i which is an O2 contract phone with my O2 Pay and Go USIM at 162 characters long - it won't send. That information O2 customer service have sent is more inaccurate bull.

Anyone fancy trying a Sony Ericsson P990i with an O2 3G Pay and Go USIM or do you think we can safely presume it won't work

[ This Message was edited by: Toney_Ericsson on 2007-01-15 17:44 ]
Posted: 2007-01-15 17:25:56
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500


Had a call from O2 this evening, basically chaps there is bugger all they are doing about the text issue they "dont know when our engineers will be able to find the specific things thats causing this fault".

As I told them and keep telling O2, the reason why there is this problem is because of the differences between you're contract and Pay and Go 3G platforms.

Also, I did tell them that their interpretation of "supported handsets is misleading customers".

I do not call a half supported handset as being supported by a network.

Be warned!

This is very much something that you would see on the BBC's Watchdog television programme and something that all O2 Pay and Go customers should know about - I'm putting this forward to them. Already have made a complaint to OFCOM about O2's incompetent Customer Service, thats nothing new though as I hear it all the time from O2 customers:D

4 months to finally admit that there is a fault at O2's end is a joke.
Posted: 2007-01-15 23:55:22
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

On 2007-01-14 16:27:22, Toney_Ericsson wrote:
How are O2 fobbing contract customers off, explain?

O2 are fobbing PAYG customers i.e "some services are not available cough cough crap"

I'm suprised you did'nt go for the 35 a month one, free calls all weekend (o2 long weekends)

Thats the only kind of thing I find appealing about a contract, not the free phone because thats just to get customers bound into a contract like any contract. Orange's version of the free calls is unlimited calls to a magic number which is actually better plus unlimited texts (capped at 3000) and 550 anytime mins on that Dolphin one.

02 Prepay customers are getting alot more in terms of promotions,
free weekend calls I don't get that

how much do you top up on your phone btw?
Posted: 2007-01-16 06:12:38
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

On 2007-01-16 06:12:38, miss uk wrote:
On 2007-01-14 16:27:22, Toney_Ericsson wrote:
How are O2 fobbing contract customers off, explain?

O2 are fobbing PAYG customers i.e "some services are not available cough cough crap"

I'm suprised you did'nt go for the 35 a month one, free calls all weekend (o2 long weekends)

Thats the only kind of thing I find appealing about a contract, not the free phone because thats just to get customers bound into a contract like any contract. Orange's version of the free calls is unlimited calls to a magic number which is actually better plus unlimited texts (capped at 3000) and 550 anytime mins on that Dolphin one.

02 Prepay customers are getting alot more in terms of promotions,
free weekend calls I don't get that

how much do you top up on your phone btw?

Good morning Miss UK, my ears were burning so I thought I would check esato after checking my emails and I see you have made a reply

I don't get free weekend calls on O2 Pay and Go, I am however getting 500 mins free a month for 3 months because I asked O2 what are they going to offer anything of the same as Orange do on the above posting i.e. Orange are doing the exact same as what O2 online Pay and Go do with the 300, 500 and 1000 texts but with free evening calls between 7pm and 11:59pm Monday - Sunday for 2 years and thats Pay and Go.

O2 do have free weekend calls on their online contract £35 or more tariffs though and they call it "O2 Long Weekends" look here:

On Orange they do Orange Dolphin with free calls to a magic number plus unlimited texts (capped at 3000)

How much do I top up? That's dippends really, sometimes the minimum and sometimes way over the top but at least you're in control. When I do top up a lot then yeah I am paying what would be a contract tariff in that month. T-mobile have the right idea for customers like that with their "Flext" 35 tariff for instance which is extremely popular at this very moment look here:[....]_flext_get&chosenPricePlan=pmt

I know with the flext one you even get a text saying you've used you're calls or text allowance in that month which is good.

Have you seen what Vodafone are doing on their contracts? free calls for 3 or 5 people of you're choice wheather if they are on contract or Pay and Go, they call it Vodafone family. One of those persons pays £5 a month for that look here:[....]Vodafone_others&pageID=MV_0136

The only thing I find appealing in any of those contracts is the unlimited areas like the unlimited calls. This really is for another thread though as this thread was to let other O2 Pay and Go customers know about how crap O2 are. If anyone has any other complaint which they want to put in writing to O2 about then this is their address

O2 Compliant Review Service
PO Box 116
LS11 5DS

I will see how they deal with my complaint and keep correspondence as I have done so far of what complete sheee-it O2 Customer Service have tried to throw my way with their misleading bull, if not satisfactorily then it's time to push their crap towards the BBC's Watchdog then they really will see sh%* hit the fan should it be broadcast like other dire mobile network instances of a very similar nature have been in the past. I do hope Peter Erskine Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of O2 (and that killer mousache will be viewing)

This in fairness is something all O2 customers should know about the O2 3G Pay and Go service and O2's non exsistant customer service and also their misleading bull.

[ This Message was edited by: Toney_Ericsson on 2007-01-16 07:42 ]
Posted: 2007-01-16 08:20:01
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

what your getting is good,
have you not setup treats?

I wouldn't really like to keep topping up tho myself,
i was spending something like £10 a week when I was a Pre-pay customer 6 years ago, on the BT Cellnet "U" tariff it wasn't that bad 5p per text message, but when I got a new phone and went for the Shop Pre-pay phone and sim the prices were alot more 10p per text message and no free benefits, I hated the fact everytime you sent a message your balance would come on everytime... i gave that old sim to my mom btw.. ive told her she can ave 1 of my free 0nline sims so she's just waiting for her credit to run out now

having a Contract is more beneficial to my needs,
1. don't have to keep spending more than £40 a month on top-ups
2. saving alot more
3. get the best deals on the latest handsets
4. better customer care

those are the main issues I have with Prepay

I was looking at other contracts with other networks before I re-newed but none are as good as 02 to be frank.

vodafone are very sly...
they offer 6 free month line rental but don't tell you how long the contract is, and they charge you £35 per month.

orange may have a few more advantages,
but they don't have 1471
Posted: 2007-01-17 15:26:36
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

Is'nt treats like 20 extra texts a month? I think I do have that, not that I notice 20 texts though.

Someone told me today Vodafone will be doing free unlimited internet, theres a little info to watch out for.
Posted: 2007-01-17 19:56:09
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golmauk Posts: 3

The stupidity of O2 never ceases to amaze me.

I'm glad I left for Orange. Although I cancelled my account with O2 in November. I found they wanted to still bill me for december and called up, complained, apparently it was my fault for not using the PAC (but I wasn't told I had to in order to cancel my account), this was offered to me AFTER the guy told me my account was now cancelled. I cancelled the direct debit and no money was taken ... but what the hell, I turned on my K750i the other day and the SIM Card for O2 is still active! Dealing with their customer services is useless, they still didn't get the message after a few phone calls and DD cancellation!

Sometimes the reception isn't so good as O2 in my home, but all the services work without a problem.
Posted: 2007-01-18 12:28:02
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

How can that be you're fault? as far as I'm concerned when they say it's cancelled it's cancelled.
Posted: 2007-01-18 21:05:28
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