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rss_ndrsn Posts: > 500

^Agree. He actually looks stupid already. Could he get any more stupid?
Posted: 2012-04-09 01:38:49
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worf1000 Posts: 265

On 2012-04-08 16:23:27, randomuser wrote:
Fine. Read here then

This is the largest website on OLED technology on the Internet.

I really think you should open up a bit and do some reading before making posts that will only make you feel stupid in the future.
[ This Message was edited by: randomuser on 2012-04-08 15:24 ]

Wow, you call me stupid........................i know you are disagree with that but call me stupid is just how ignored you are.

AMoled use a thin film transistor (TFT) back light and Oled does not have it i have straight from Sony boy. And Oled is still superior than AMoled.

The screen what the VITA use is also NOT!!!!!! AMoled display just Oled from Sony techniqu that order to Samsung to produce it.
[ This Message was edited by: worf1000 on 2012-04-09 01:43 ]

Posted: 2012-04-09 02:23:06
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Supa_Fly Posts: > 500

why are we still hooked on OLED technology like it just came out and was debuted yesterday?! really? This will not help Sony sell more Android devices solely on just implementing this in their screens.
Posted: 2012-04-09 03:03:11
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randomuser Posts: > 500


For the last time, all Sony OLED applications right from Sony XEL-1 OLED tv are AMOLED screens. Without Active or Passive Matrix OLED cannot display images.

If you still understand or simply don't want to understand then I really can't help. Apparently it seems you think that AMOLED is a Samsung technology or something. It isn't. Super AMOLED is but AMOLED isn't.

Here you go. This is an interview with Sony Display Device Development group vice president on the official Sony Global website where he mentioned about Sony using Active Matrix OLED (AMOLED) technology.

"Sony decided to use an active matrix system based on thin-film transistor (TFT) technology, which is also used in LCD panels. The consensus view at the time was that it would be very difficult to apply this technology to the development of an OLED display. However, Urabe and his colleagues began to develop an active matrix driver for an OLED-based system."

So ? Sony itself ignorant huh ?
[ This Message was edited by: randomuser on 2012-04-09 08:19 ]

Posted: 2012-04-09 06:10:18
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worf1000 Posts: 265


Active matrix is adoption in Oled, but it's not 100% Oled needed.
That article is 4 years old ans 1 one year later on the site placed and Sony WAS planning or WANTED to USE active Matrix adoption in their TFT but it's never happened the process according Sony engineer i know.

AMoled is a hype everybody call Oled= AMoled because it's hype name but in real world it's not 100% Oled display. Sony is heavy investing 100% OLED not adept (as i can remember) that men call Active Matrix until the time is right.

The OLED materials emit light and do not require a backlight from a transistor. A transistor is created by using three layers rather than the two layers used in a diode wits OLED is according to the engineer from Sony i know. SAMoled and AMoled use both OLled but use also a TFT inside and that's my point.

Why think Sony don't have AMoled screens for years? Sony XEL-1 has also no AMOled screen just Oled screen even the PVS has no AMoled but Oled screen. What i know the prototype has no single Transistor in it both device i mention if the real production is difference's to guarantee long life i do not know.

And according him it will take several years that TV will use Oled only not SAMoled or AMloed to compromise what Samsung and LG do and when they are ready with their Oled development. They also almost ready with their new Cristal led TV development to fight wit SAMoled/AMoled displays from Samsung or LG later this year.

It's easy for make AMoled in large display but Oled is very difficult to make that's why Samsung put Active Matrix in their Phone and TV because it's easy to implement for larger display and maybe will Sony use Active Matrix in their panels because they already far with their development. It's difficult for Sony to use AMoled or Oled instead only becouse SAMoled or AMoled has several disadvantage over their LED-backlit LCD.

But the fact is SAMoled or AMoled is not 100% Oled only, active Matrix is a adoption to make bigger or larger display nothing more. And maybe Sony will use a another type of Active Matrix for their Phone business (what they already do in their (Cristal led) he won't tell me that that means Sony is planning something.

Point is, SAMoled or AMoled is not 100% Oled display becouse they use both stuff.

I hope you understand what i mention.
Posted: 2012-04-09 21:40:29
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nagirodu Posts: 18

On 2012-04-09 21:40:29, worf1000 wrote:

Active matrix is adoption in Oled, but it's not 100% Oled needed.
That article is 4 years old ans 1 one year later on the site placed and Sony WAS planning or WANTED to USE active Matrix adoption in their TFT but it's never happened the process according Sony engineer i know.

AMoled is a hype everybody call Oled= AMoled because it's hype name but in real world it's not 100% Oled display. Sony is heavy investing 100% OLED not adept (as i can remember) that men call Active Matrix until the time is right.

The OLED materials emit light and do not require a backlight from a transistor. A transistor is created by using three layers rather than the two layers used in a diode wits OLED is according to the engineer from Sony i know. SAMoled and AMoled use both OLled but use also a TFT inside and that's my point.

Why think Sony don't have AMoled screens for years? Sony XEL-1 has also no AMOled screen just Oled screen even the PVS has no AMoled but Oled screen. What i know the prototype has no single Transistor in it both device i mention if the real production is difference's to guarantee long life i do not know.

And according him it will take several years that TV will use Oled only not SAMoled or AMloed to compromise what Samsung and LG do and when they are ready with their Oled development. They also almost ready with their new Cristal led TV development to fight wit SAMoled/AMoled displays from Samsung or LG later this year.

It's easy for make AMoled in large display but Oled is very difficult to make that's why Samsung put Active Matrix in their Phone and TV because it's easy to implement for larger display and maybe will Sony use Active Matrix in their panels because they already far with their development. It's difficult for Sony to use AMoled or Oled instead only becouse SAMoled or AMoled has several disadvantage over their LED-backlit LCD.

But the fact is SAMoled or AMoled is not 100% Oled only, active Matrix is a adoption to make bigger or larger display nothing more. And maybe Sony will use a another type of Active Matrix for their Phone business (what they already do in their (Cristal led) he won't tell me that that means Sony is planning something.

Point is, SAMoled or AMoled is not 100% Oled display becouse they use both stuff.

I hope you understand what i mention.

TFS the information, buddy.
Posted: 2012-04-10 03:46:42
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randomuser Posts: > 500


Give me a proof to back up your statements. It is simply not true that OLED screens can work without a controller. Sony's OLED devices all feature Active Matrix controllers including the PS Vita and the XEL-1.

Posted: 2012-04-10 06:11:03
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rss_ndrsn Posts: > 500

^he is probably taking about Passive-matrix oled because Sony frequently use these type of OLED screen. Also, PM-OLED does not require a tft backplane like AMOLED. I guess that's why wortoff keep insisting 100% OLED.

Actually, I think Sony has developed a new AMOLED screen to rival Samsung Super AMOLED. I guess this is what they are going to showcase on their next smartphone. I'm looking forward to it.
[ This Message was edited by: rss_ndrsn on 2012-04-10 06:50 ]

Posted: 2012-04-10 07:16:42
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randomuser Posts: > 500

On 2012-04-10 07:16:42, rss_ndrsn wrote:
^he is probably taking about Passive-matrix oled because Sony frequently use these type of OLED screen. Also, PM-OLED does not require a tft backplane like AMOLED. I guess that's why wortoff keep insisting 100% OLED.

Actually, I think Sony has developed a PMOLED screen that can give AMOLED run for its money. Sony have barely incorporated AMOLED screen into their devices. So I guess it is something to look forwsrd two
[ This Message was edited by: rss_ndrsn on 2012-04-10 06:35 ]

Actually Sony (or any other major consumer electronics manufacturer) do not use PMOLED for various reasons :-

1) It has slower refresh rate compared to AMOLED
2) Energy consumption is much higher
3) Not suitable for large size applications but small sizes of below 3 inches
4) Shorter life span of upto only 2 years
5) Not possible to use high resolutions

There is no commercial PMOLED screen in the world with a high resolution greater than 3 inches.

Posted: 2012-04-10 07:46:19
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rss_ndrsn Posts: > 500

On 2012-04-10 07:46:19, randomuser wrote:

On 2012-04-10 07:16:42, rss_ndrsn wrote:
^he is probably taking about Passive-matrix oled because Sony frequently use these type of OLED screen. Also, PM-OLED does not require a tft backplane like AMOLED. I guess that's why wortoff keep insisting 100% OLED.

Actually, I think Sony has developed a PMOLED screen that can give AMOLED run for its money. Sony have barely incorporated AMOLED screen into their devices. So I guess it is something to look forwsrd two

Actually Sony (or any other major consumer electronics manufacturer) do not use PMOLED for various reasons :-

1) It has slower refresh rate compared to AMOLED
2) Energy consumption is much higher
3) Not suitable for large size applications but small sizes of below 3 inches
4) Shorter life span of upto only 2 years

5) Not possible to use high resolutions

There is no commercial PMOLED screen in the world with a high resolution greater than 3 inches.

Sony actually do but mostly on little screens of their mp3's, smart watch and etc. Sony actually have very few devices with AMOLEd screen like PS Vita, the two walkman pmps, the 11" inch worldd first OLED TV and the iconic cliq PDA since 2004. Compared those to the mp3 walkman models from Sony, you could say Sony uses PMOLED more than AMOLED. Why not PMOLED is cheap!

Anyway, I have read and understand the stuff about OLED screens so there is no need to point out that. But then again, I was just trying to get where wortoff was comjng from. I can actually give you a link where you got those informations.

Well, I just hope that first google smartphone with AMOLED screen would be awesome and beat the hell out of the current OLED technologies.
[ This Message was edited by: rss_ndrsn on 2012-04-10 07:20 ]

Posted: 2012-04-10 08:10:53
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