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Market : Mobile phones wanted : LF: Any T68/T68is and/orT300 with broken LCD- cash paid!
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stuartdb87 Posts: 468

I pm'd and emailed you.
Posted: 2004-06-27 16:44:00
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stuartdb87 Posts: 468

Posted: 2004-06-28 01:28:00
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Sammy_boy Posts: > 500

Thanks for you replies everyone!

btw, please don't be offended if I offer something below what you think, no swearing at me!
Posted: 2004-06-28 08:33:58
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Sammy_boy Posts: > 500

another little bump.

Anyone else got any old, damaged phones they no longer want?
Posted: 2004-06-30 09:08:12
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Merc_Man Posts: > 500

How about a broken p900???
Posted: 2004-06-30 13:29:11
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Sammy_boy Posts: > 500

That would be great- what's wrong with it, and any rough idea on how much u want 4 it, we can go from there then! This message was posted from a Nokia
Posted: 2004-06-30 15:15:16
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Merc_Man Posts: > 500

Mate go on MSN we can talk about it...
Posted: 2004-07-01 00:12:12
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Sammy_boy Posts: > 500

I'm just after a T68 or T68i (preferably) that has a broken LCD, or a T300 that has a broken LCD to fix, I'm using up some spares I have before stopping my fixing lark.

Post here/PM me!
Posted: 2004-08-22 13:53:43
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