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andrewkeith5 Posts: 293

it was stolen from my motorhome - theres some stupid insurance loophole that says things arent covered if they are in a vehicle

god only knos what the motorhome insurance covers, but i doubt it will cover my phone

Posted: 2005-05-14 13:48:33
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Tina.x5 Posts: 67

Mobile home now is it. Whateva man lmao my brother had his fone robbed off him 2 wks ago luckily it was my first contract fone n i gave it him wen i got an upgrade n i neva transferd the insurance to me upgrade so its still covered. Got the claim form d oda day n d buggers want £25 for delivery costs lmfao cheeky sods d fone aint even worth dat today.
Posted: 2005-05-14 15:39:00
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dave_uk Posts: > 500

You didn't buy mobile insurance because you're too young!

Oh, someone give the kid a 5110 or something. Or send him a book on negotiating. You need to be getting more than £10 a month from your parents!
Posted: 2005-05-14 19:31:46
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vanquish Posts: > 500


Why do you keep getting at younger people? You remarked on my age and you remarked on his too. It is hard being 15 years old and having no money, i had to save for my Z800.

If you have 20 quid you can get something cheap from Boots, or Woolworths, my mum got one. I think it's Nokia 1100
Posted: 2005-05-15 11:09:25
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fatreg Posts: > 500

yeah woolies will do you a nk 1100 on orange payg for £19.99 last time i checked inc a sim.


Posted: 2005-05-15 14:16:04
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lazarini Posts: > 500

Omg ...

Well sorry for ure stolen phone ... but it happens when ure parents will give u some cash and they do that since ure 15 just put some aside and get something like fatreg recommended .

Posted: 2005-05-15 15:48:34
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andrewkeith5 Posts: 293

i dont get any money from my parents because my dad was made redundant and i dont have a mum

i think id better start putting some money aside for a cheap phone from woolworths
Posted: 2005-05-15 17:46:44
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vanquish Posts: > 500

Exactly Yazan, please don't jump to conclusions!

Anyway, yes the 1100 is available for 20 quid, get yourself a job and start saving!

Posted: 2005-05-16 18:17:52
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djkizlive Posts: > 500

I'm a little confused..

If he has no money, PAYG sim cards, no phone, then if one of us kindly gave him a handset, or he got money to buy one real cheap, how would he be able to afford to call/text his family/friends? Surely he'd have no money to top it up?

Maybe you should just save your money.. you might need it someday.
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[ This Message was edited by: djkizlive on 2005-05-17 13:39 ]
Posted: 2005-05-17 14:39:29
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Yazan24 Posts: > 500

Quote:Exactly Yazan, please don't jump to conclusions!

Anyway, yes the 1100 is available for 20 quid, get yourself a job and start saving!

1) I didnt jump to conclusions, I just think that his story doesnt add up, he refered to his parents in the plural throughout the entire thing, and now he doesnt have a mom.

2)His dad is the only source of income (unless he has a job) and he uses the internet etc, apparently frequently too.

3) If he could afford to pay the bill, lets say 20 quid a month, then within a month he should have a phone.

4) Compromising your integrity before taking all other possible options is idiotic.

5) About me and the age thing, I think that some kids are too spoilt these days, especially if they would rather beg online then get a job for a week.

Quote:It is hard being 15 years old and having no money, i had to save for my Z800.

Its also hard for young children getting killed abroad in countries suffering from internal conflicts, or children starving to death. I just think kids are getting too caught up in owning the latest phone etc, and should be appreciative of what they've got.

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[ This Message was edited by: Yazan24 on 2005-05-17 20:34 ]
Posted: 2005-05-17 21:32:54
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