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mscarrot Posts: 122

Are you talking about this one???

This is just a prototype, and will probably take more then a year to (if ever) be released....

But OK it DOES look nice..... (any nice, unmarried RICH guy out there who wants to buy this nice piece of equipment for me ?????? LOL)

"before you criticise a man, first walk a mile in his shoes.

That way, he's a mile away from you, and he doesn't have any shoes."

[ This Message was edited by: mscarrot on 2003-01-21 17:31 ]
Posted: 2003-01-21 18:30:00
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Jim Posts: > 500

Well if it will be this one ..... WHoooohhhhhoooooo long live SE then

But it can't be this one cause I don't see a joystick ..........

And I have an idea: please wait before posting this you said it will be released summer but summer is far ... now we all wan't to see it but hey we do have to wait for a long time ..... if it's true what you said

And, only 2Mb ????
Posted: 2003-01-21 18:49:00
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wiltonson Posts: 52

On 2003-01-20 00:37, Borat wrote:
Trust me, this is true info. I can't tell you how i got it but it is true!
It will be t68 size with verry cool design. Much like the fake t69 pic but much nicer....................

you must be kidding.

and dunt worry we forgive you.
Posted: 2003-01-21 18:52:00
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MrSavoy Posts: 267

Well I dunno this sounds a bit too good to be true. While I believe SE has the ability to make a phone like that and I believe that he may have seen this phone(prototype) I am not sure if I believe SE will release such a kick ass cool featured phone. I mean if it's true, just imagine for a second it is guys, this phone would surely win over the hearts and minds of alot of Nokias users. I would think this phone would be a major grand slam for SE and even more popular than the T68was/is. We will wait and see, I really hope your aren't bull shitting dude. Thanks for the info.
Posted: 2003-01-21 19:09:00
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Borat Posts: 111

On 2003-01-21 15:32, thanasis wrote:
Seems interesting enough... if its true!

All i can say to Borat is, well done if this turns out to be a new SE phone, but if it aint, you have made an idiot out of youself and would be best if you stay away from the forum, to avoid humiliation

time will tell...

And what about when you find out it's true? Will I be haild?

Nope. Not that old prototype, the phone I saw has a standard keydesign.

I can't understand why all you people are so doubtfull. Maby because all of the bullshit in the forum, I can understand that, but is't so imposible? don't you remember what a knockout the T68 becomed that cebit day? Who belived that before that day? Everyone here knows that SE really is a major technology leader in the industry. If SE don't release such kind of state of the art phones they will not survive.

[ This Message was edited by: Borat on 2003-01-21 20:00 ]
Posted: 2003-01-21 20:51:00
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lazarini Posts: > 500

shure shure im kinda sick of the people comming here spreading rumours without a shread of proof (pics,other material) lotsa us just get hiped out of that kinda talk so in the future borat dont post info like this in here without any pics or links to prove ure statement !

i hope u get my point ...

regards laz
Posted: 2003-01-21 21:15:00
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anonymuser Posts: > 500

@ laz, i agree-
@borat, no offence but there really isn't any point posting threads like these; no matter what you've seen there are far too many rumours, hoaxs, and wishlists floating around here already and people are just immune to it. until someone has solid info (preferably including a picture which hasn't been badly photoshopped), you might as well forget it. assuming you're right, and in six months this phone appears (an unlikely timetable)- will anyone even remember your post?
Posted: 2003-01-22 00:45:00
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[MDS] Posts: > 500

i cant see those pics? please repost...

Posted: 2003-01-22 05:09:00
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cadcad Posts: > 500

Borat, don't worry, some guys are just too jealous to be nice... This message was posted from a P800
Posted: 2003-01-22 05:33:00
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reddcer Posts: 64

@Borat, how sure are you that this "phony" stuff you're talking about will eventually be released by SE?
Posted: 2003-01-22 06:04:00
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