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etaab Posts: > 500

Im sure whatever iPhone comes next will please you, but to be honest apart from software innovation, which Apple seems to be running out of, i dont see where Apple can go next.

I'll stick my neck out and predict this years iPhone, if one comes this year, will be the biggest disappointment for loyal Apple fans ever and more than likely the biggest single unit of ammunition Android fans will ever need.

I think to get the wow factor, Apple will have to go for a full face HD screen with absolutely no bezel, or one which only has a 3mm-5mm border around every side of the screen. With possibly a camera and Xenon flash, at last !
Posted: 2012-05-10 22:48:15
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

LOL Knowbody can do it better then Apple so lets wait and see what they announce
Posted: 2012-05-12 18:51:31
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etaab Posts: > 500

Heh, thats a matter of opinion as always.

I found an iPhone 4 today, there it was laying amongst dead leaves, mud and rubbish at the side of the road. Sadly, its front screen is smashed, the rear glass is entirely missing as is the battery. It would have been nice to find a phone intact lol.

Anyway ive picked it up and brought it home with me. The owner obviously discarded it since it is totally destroyed but i though a dissection would be in order for Apple's 2010 flagship.
[ This Message was edited by: etaab on 2012-05-12 19:32 ]

Posted: 2012-05-12 20:32:25
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

Yep well im not intrested ina iPhone 2012
so I will wait for the Sports version next year or look at something else
as I will keep my old iPhone

haha trashed iPhone lolz even if you got it working after paying all the bits for it
chances are it would be barred maybe the owner delibratley lost it to get a 4S

btw if you do pay for all the bits and do get it to work you can use it as iPod im sure
but I would look into that incase itunes can trace it

Posted: 2012-05-12 20:45:24
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etaab Posts: > 500

I dont think its repairable. Since its been through what appears to be a war, the entire phone is unstable. I always thought the aerial was a one piece design, well unless this one is broken the two halves can be moved independently from each other.

Im pretty certain the chips, components and micro circuitry is all but fried due to the recent weather. I was actually quite sad to see such an expensive high tech gorgeous device in such a poor state.

Sadly i dont have the money or time to spend attempting to repair it, moreso if it'll simply be blocked as reported lost or stolen. I think im just going to stick it on the shelf with my other phones as a museum piece.

Now how do i get the sim card out without the little tool .. ? (if theres one in there !).
Posted: 2012-05-12 21:34:03
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

if its a black iP4 then its I only like the white ones

post a pic up of this obliterated phone as will be a laugh to see its peril
im sure others will also be in for a treat

to take the Sim tray out you need a Drawing Pin or a needle slot it in and
it will come up (Sim tray I mean)

I never got a Tool with mine don't think there even included in the 4S boxes?
Posted: 2012-05-12 22:05:47
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Bonovox Posts: > 500

He threw his iPhone away?? Came to his senses then finally un brain washed and no longer an iSheep. Apple do it better than everyone else?? best joke all year that one. They may be popular but they are so so boring
Posted: 2012-05-12 22:48:00
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

Etaab just noticed this topic is heading for the lock (Off Topic so if you decide to post yer knackers yard phone up)
try the Apple area

Gotta Dash gotta see this phone tomorrow
Posted: 2012-05-12 22:58:58
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etaab Posts: > 500

Heh, i will when the girlfriend has gone out of sight. You see its a kind of secret, i picked it up when walking past and showed it her and the other people of the group we were in. Then on the way back later in the day i had to walk behind the group on purpose and quickly snap it up when they were looking the other way lol. So she doesnt know i have it.

I know im such a geek when it comes to phones !
[ This Message was edited by: etaab on 2012-05-12 22:01 ]

Posted: 2012-05-12 23:00:14
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

LOL heh no rush im off out anyway so check it out tomorrow night
if I saw one lying on the floor i'd prob take it into Apple (Doubt if they'd reward me heh) measley gets

anyway Cheerio
Posted: 2012-05-12 23:02:52
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