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hobbian Posts: 1

Last November I started a contract with O2. What a disaster!!!
Before I bought the XDA Exec (good phone etc) I asked about the coverage between home, work and surrounding areas. "Excellent", they said.
From experience I found this to be blatantly untrue. In and out of signal range every 3 -4 miles on my commuter journey.
Tried to concel the contract. Yes I can, but only if I pay ALL outstanding line rentals. (no hint of a compromise)
Customer services say, "Go to the shop where you purchased the phone and they will sort it out".
Shop says, "Phone customer services, they will sort it out".
The whole experience has taught me one thing. O2 shop staff couldn't care less about customer service. For example, I was told, with a straight face, no hint of irony, that no phones work at sea level. As I live on the North Norfolk coast, I know this to be untrue. Do they think I am a complete fool. Evidently they do.
I have now gone to another network that I know gives the coverage I require and would advise anyone not to touch O2 with a bargepole.
Appalling does not even come close. The whole comany is, as far as I am concerned, a waste of space.
BE WARNED!!! (From one who knows!!!)
Posted: 2007-02-10 22:55:48
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Seanyb2 Posts: > 500

Hello sorry ToneyEricsson i only just seen your message. Er my brother has a K800i. I dont know what else to say the situation with not sending multiple text is crazy. Pre pay customers are treated unfairly but i am just not sure no more what is going on with O2. How did they win best network. Their customer service is awful very patronising they are. I still after 4 months with T Mobile have had no problems with them. Its always the quiet networks who just get on with it that do a good job. Anyway cool name ToneyEricsson wish i thought of that one.

This message was posted from a 6233
Posted: 2007-02-11 00:59:19
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

Seanyb2, you're brother should be able to send multiple texts now - I can. O2 did'nt contact me or anything I just tried it out of the blue and it seems to work. All them phone calls and complaint letter seemed to of worked although this took long enough did'nt it.

I still agree about the dodgey 3G signal and crap customer service. Complete waste of space.

I'm only with them because of the free texts.
Posted: 2007-02-11 02:02:39
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Seanyb2 Posts: > 500

Yes i will let him know he is away in Wiltshire now i will text him tomorrow. He aint very technical minded like i am so he wont know though he may have tried. Yes the free stuff from O2 is good thats the only thing thats not so good on T Mobile there are not many freebies. I am thinking of switching to Vodafone only cos they provide free calls and texts all weekend if you spend 5 quid in the week plus Stop the Clock on every week day evening. I will just use T Mobile for web. Its cos i am starting to make long calls and i dont want a contract no more. Anyway cheers for that.

This message was posted from a 6233
Posted: 2007-02-11 02:35:41
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As an O2 Ireland contract (formerly speakeasy/pay as you go) customer there does not seem to be any of the service limitations as you guys have in the UK.

Also there are no service differences between pay as you go and contract, if you can do it on one you can do it on the other.

I dont want to sound too pro O2 but there Cus Service is excellent, maybe O2 UK can learn a few things from their Irish sister!!

One or two bad things are the 3G network only covers 54% population coverage at the moment i.e Dublin. Plus the only Network that offer Video Calling over here are Vodafone!!
Posted: 2007-03-10 22:51:44
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darrengf Posts: > 500

I have been wit Orange for the last 7 Years and 6 of them on contract.
In the last year Orange customer care is appauling. They havnt got a clue, not interested and you can take over a hour sometimes to get through.

I have heard mixed reviews with my friends with vodafone so i want bothered and the deals they are offering are crap.

I have also been with Virgin on contract for the last 5 years and very happy with them, but again deals arnt brilliant and the network still isnt overaly strong in places where i live, But i know a few friends of mine are extremely impressed with customer care so thats a +point.

3 is best not going there on customer care, but coverage is getting better now.

So I chose 02. Online 35, i was over happy with the deal, I can ring any 0800, 0844, 0870, 0845 numbers out of my bundle (No other network does this)

I can use my text bundle from aborad. 1 text sent from abroad removes 4 out of my bundle (Doesn your network does this? Nope only o2 again)

And customer care i can honestly say are superb. Shops are fantastic, very helpful and if i ring them again, superb. Really helpful, no problems at all.

I have just transfered over a few family and friends on 02 as well in last couple of months and again they have had no problems and very happy with customer care and service.

Regarding Network coverage I have not had any problems.

I have been able to make calls where i couldnt before on Orange and only found 1 place where coverage was poorer than orange, but i could still make a call.

I cant fault orange for 3g or coverage and I cant fault O2 for GSM coverage, but for 3g its not very good at all.
However if they sign a deal with T-moible to share 3g then im happy.

I also (When i get 3g) can make 3g calls until october for free to other networks (they come out of my bundle)

I have friends abroad and text over seas now only cost 12p per sms instead of 20p like orange charged.

Im not sying O2 are perfect and 3g coverage is poor, but ive yet to find a real fault with them and customer care are gr8.

I can tell you that Orange are not. trust me. My mate was told he cant have a free upgrade as he doesnt spend enough (Avg £25-30 a month) and your sort of a burden on the network!! (If you read between what he was told)

Posted: 2007-03-10 23:07:47
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

O2 Customer Service is great?!? blimey, every single one I've spoke to has'nt a frigging clue and My Care is a complete waste of space, thats well known.

It took MONTHS.... and a complaint letter to get this multiple text issue on O2 3G Pay & Go fixed!!

Thats not what I call great.

I myself

[ This Message was edited by: Toney_Ericsson on 2007-03-17 02:46 ]
Posted: 2007-03-17 03:40:00
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jonat8 Posts: 78

I am on an O2 Online contract and it is fine for your standard calls and texts, no problem but considering I live in a full 3G area, it would be nice if there were some more 3G features such as radio or mobile TV or just something like that! And when T-Mobile are coming out with their £7.50 unlimited browsing deal and 3 with their X-Series unlimited browsing deal, charging £3.00/Mb seems remarkably "old-school", especially since a) their proxy server is rubbish and doesn't even support cookies and b) Online customers cannot sign up to data bundles other than the ridiculous 4Mb one for £5.00.

[ This Message was edited by: jonat8 on 2007-04-24 06:37 ]
Posted: 2007-04-24 07:36:14
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Mr Miyagi Posts: > 500

hmm to the person who said something about o2 advertising free long weekend calls on o2, and at the bottom it says to a maximum of 2000 mins a month, i dont see anything wrong with that at all, at least O2 are mentioning on the small print that everyone should read that der is a fair usage policy. UNlike some companny's like orange, they mention unlimited texts on one of der animal tariffs, however its not unlimited its subject to a maximum 2000 or 3000 texts, again same applys to oranges free evening calls on pay and go, its not free if u use over 500/600 mins since its capped at 500 r 600 mins. der is no such thing as a service being always free.
Posted: 2007-04-24 10:01:23
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Oz-Sco Posts: 150


While i'm all in favour of you having a rant about O2. I came to a couple of conclusions when reading the posts..

First, since you are on PAYG why go through all this hassle with O2? Just go pick up a new sim from a different provider? I mean, your battling with customer care, the techies, keeping records and even considering approaching BBC watch dog.. Is it really worth the stress, and time? (time is money after all)


Isn't the point of PAYG considerably more flexibility? I notice you say how good T-Mobile, voda and orange.. are.. so my advice would be go get one..

Second, Perhaps O2 do care/provide more for their contract customers... and this is wrong? Are you forgetting contract means a minimum yearly income for O2? PAYG on the other hand only lasts till you next decide to top up.. or not?

Anyways, i'm really glad that 'magically' you can now send long sms, i'm sure it must have been all the abusive emails you sent! because they always make huge corporations change policies.. I can't imagine it would be a setting that 'magically' got changed on your phone was it? No.. Thought not..

Posted: 2007-04-24 11:19:21
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