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ThreeX Posts: > 500

Jeez.. everyone has been ooh-ing and wow-ing the K750 in it´s original spec, now will you diss it because SE is improving (?) the camera? Who cares anyway, by christmas there will be new models out to rival or excel the K750 regardless of sensor type anyway. I´d say - if you like the K750, go get one! You can wait to dooms day and there will always be a better one at the horizon!
You should be glad you´re not a Nokia fanboy. I really pity the poor sods who bought 6630 just to come home with it and read all about the new 6680 which in turn barely had time for its paint to dry when wham, here we have N-series to really rub it in
Posted: 2005-05-27 09:38:05
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etaab Posts: > 500

Heh, yeah, i almost bought a 6630 a few months ago.

Well, if this new version of the K750i will only be available in Russia, what is everyone worrying about ?
Posted: 2005-05-27 09:50:30
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red hot sheep Posts: 85

Even if this is only a small upgrade (like T610 to T630), it seems very strange. Most stores have only had this phone in now for a couple of days, and now SE are annoucing an upgrade? It seems a bit bizarre!
Posted: 2005-05-27 19:50:23
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etaab Posts: > 500

But according to the initial rumour, its not even an upgrade.
Posted: 2005-05-27 22:31:03
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mmsman Posts: > 500

i don't see this as an upgrade, i just see it as something se had been planning, I mean just changing the supplier of the camera module, they haven't even announced it!
i really think it's very foolish to wait for a ccd module, why does everyone think that ccd is so much better than cmos, i don't want to start a topic about ccd vs cmos but imho this is really getting out of hand, take a look at 6630 and s700, the picture quality is almost on the same level!
anyway my point is that se is only changing a small part that isn't going to do anything groundbreaking, it's not even like t630 and t610, i'm looking at the k750 thread and the pictures are awesome, imho very good for a 2mpx camera, do you sincerely think a ccd would make such a big difference? you can get a bad ccd and you can get a bad cmos, k750 apparently has a very good cmos sensor, even better then the ccd sensor in s700 and i'm not talking only about the 1.3 mpx to 2mpx gap.....
i doubt that se always used the same components for all phones, i mean just take a look at t610 w1 and a t610 w13 or something like that, the screen was better and some small changes, i remember when i first bought a p800 and i later on replaced it because it got broken, what a difference! they just change some things and for most things we don't even know, we only know this because m-r found it...

anyway i don't want to be rude or anything but for those that are about to wait, why would you do something like that? wait 6 months just to get a camera that isn't even 5% better? what's wrong with k750? do you just like the flashy "ccd" name? cmos seems old-fashioned or what, heck why don't i replace my canon d20 for a s700 because it has a ccd sensor? (ok over the top but I hope you get my point)actually if i was planning to buy a k750 i would prolly do it now because i would rather have a better battery life than a slightly better camera.....

anyway it's your choice but 2 things a for sure:
1. they are not going to change the name and it isn't really an upgrade, only a evolution in a normal life span of a model, just like any other one out there,
2. the camera won't be a lot better, maybe a little less noise in dark areas but i doubt most will even notice, actually i'm looking forward to the k750 pictures thread in september....

oh and just one more thing, i bet nobody would have noticed if se changed the lens and i bet it would make a bigger difference then the cccd sensor, i mean cmon, we still have plastics lenses and all you guys are thinking is about ccd and cmos, actually it kinda reminds me of the tfd and tft debates....

Posted: 2005-05-27 23:12:29
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sailaab Posts: > 500

Hmm.. BIG ruckus dis ! Ppl falling over each oda. Any1 care to ellab'rte: # (minor?) pts. lke btr batt. func Whats da great diff bet. da s700 n k750 wrt camera, form factor, bein available # do all doz 'waiting' for initial / revised 750 onky wish to churn out Biblical Bandwidth hogging sermons in da mean time # I mean Money apart wat IS the pt. Man just take wat is best suited rite now n keep changing as n wen -if u ve deep pockets # and yeah be happy SE aint churning out regurg'tated model by da min This message was posted from a S700
Posted: 2005-05-27 23:52:52
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etaab Posts: > 500

@ mmsman, you're right.

I pity anyone who is foolish enough to wait for such a silly update.

You never know, the ccd sensor might actually take slightly worse pictures than the cmos sensor the current K750i uses. SE might even be doing this not to improve picture quality, but to reduce production costs using a cheap ccd sensor.. ?
Posted: 2005-05-27 23:53:20
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sailaab Posts: > 500

1... 2... 3... 4 mega pixel Wat r we.. Forgetin da PC processor saga's here ? ..... I mean, aint it OLD news abt a Samsung wid 5 MegaPix ? ..... Cribing n Cursin shld b replaced wid; . . . . . Take a Decision And make it happen ! rite ? This message was posted from a S700
Posted: 2005-05-27 23:58:54
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etaab Posts: > 500

@ sailaab, but they arent increasing the camera resolution at all..
Posted: 2005-05-28 00:03:01
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mmsman Posts: > 500

On 2005-05-27 23:53:20, etaab wrote:
@ mmsman, you're right.

I pity anyone who is foolish enough to wait for such a silly update.

You never know, the ccd sensor might actually take slightly worse pictures than the cmos sensor the current K750i uses. SE might even be doing this not to improve picture quality, but to reduce production costs using a cheap ccd sensor.. ?

well i think you took me a little too seriously, it's certainly going to take better pictures but i'm very sceptic about how much better it's going to be, and the comment about production costs was a little off mate, i never meant it in a way like that, it's just that if a company has a contract with its supplier they are going to take what they have, it's clearly stated tht there wasn't a ccd sensor of that size when they first designed k750 and i actually think that the cmos price at this point is the same or even higher then the ccd price 6 months later, sure cmos will be even cheaper but that was not my point at all, i just wanted to say two things and that's :
1. EVERY phone from se had it's minor changes over it's life and imho some were imho better than this one and there was no fuss at all...
2. the picture quality IS going to be better BUT not much, even eldar stated that the difference is probably going to be hidden from most people......

i just don't understand what all the fuss is about because k750 already makes better pictures and imho isn't it then better to wait for w800 that offers an extra 512 mb card next to a new ccd sensor

anyway i'm not going to argue about it anymore, i know that i'm going to buy it the moment it gets here because the camera quality is already superb!
Posted: 2005-05-28 00:19:03
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