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theboythey callharrypotter Posts: 25

the reason why so many nokias are sold is because they break easily-being a dealer we take so many broken nokia 3310,5210,8310,3210,5110 and others as trade ins against 3410's. the reason why people dont get se is because why would you want to spend £250 on sim free t610 when can get 3410 for £50.?
what is the breakdown of pre pay vs post pay?
there is not a se phone on pre pay that is world wide that you can get for £50.
simple really

but very true about covers and snake..... and also fact that all big companies in uk got its employees 5110 so naturally get 6210 then 6310i and people who use these phones only want ease of use nokia's as they dont want to learn new phones.
it simply is a nothing arguement--but se are better and are selling more than samsung.
Posted: 2003-11-09 23:48:09
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icedog445 Posts: 84

Are you joking me.The 6360 and 8390 would last me weeks on one charge.there was no compariso compared to a SE.SE is second best battery.The worst is Samsung.The merger thing you guys are right about probably never gonna happen>i just think Nokia will end up using somethin of samsungs(probably screens).But Nokia does make better phones than SE.Not feature wise,but phone wise.Nokia have the fastest SMS,easiest menu(not really,but everyone knows how to work a nokia),the best reception,and the most personality.Nokia has made a phone for everyone.SE make uggly square shit.LOL dont say anything about the new Nokia phones lately,(3200,6600,3660,3650,7200,N-gage)but the 6230 is beatiful.I am so sorry but all Nokias have the best build quality of any phone ever.I dropped my 8390 is coffee and it survived.My 3360 fell of the second floor of my cousins house,few minor scratches.I prefer SE over nokia though,just..when I know I'm gonna be out doors,or if I'm gonna be ina place with bad RF I take my trusty 8390 because I know i can outperform most phones.WHAT THE HELL IS IT with Nokia and these 4k screens,I must admit they suck.My old 6200 was the worst nokia ever.The worst build quality.After one day the back was squeaking,the screen was full of dust,but the 7250i fixed all of that,but I sold that cause of screen and bought a T610(HATED IT!!!!I CANT SEE OUTSIDE.,I THOUGHT SE WOULD HAVE LEARNED WITH TEH T68i that RF is important.)then i got a GU87 and I must say its the best phone I ever had.I'm gonna sell it for a X70 or SX1.
Posted: 2003-11-10 01:16:50
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lowrida5656 Posts: 291

so your saying the t68i is "uggly square shit" ?????
Posted: 2003-11-10 04:17:46
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pachy Posts: > 500

@justarumour, Hi,

Some of the smallest car manufacturers make the most interesting cars.

Although Nokia has a large turnover of units, it does not (& never does) mean the product is "better" as it may be the result of pricing that causes most buyers to choose Nokia's over SE.

SE phones are often expensive meaning people who buy them are often happy to pay MORE for their own reasons.

This forum is frequented mainly by people who consider SE to be the best available.

If i was offerred the chance to own a mobile phone company to get money to feed my children, i would choose Nokia. but you can be sure i would carry on using my P900

Have you tried a P900 ??

Posted: 2003-11-10 04:49:04
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Dj Boyi Posts: > 500

Potential customer goes to buy a mobile phone,
walks in the shop,
what do they see?
A nokia,
another nokia,
a siemens,
a nokia,
a samsung,
another nokia,
a coochy little
another nokia
a motocrap

yet another nokia
a panasonic
customer is just about to say,'i quite like the look of that Sony......'
then the dealer says,'this nokia is very popular' with a smug girn(oops!) grin on their face!
customer then gives in by saying to themselves,'well everyone else has got one,it must be good!'
'i'll take that nokia,

Posted: 2003-11-10 06:40:54
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vinnieza Posts: > 500

so your saying the t68i is "uggly square shit" ?????

No way is the T68i UGLY, it was one of the best looking phones out and still is in my oppinion, that's the reason i really really wanted it.

The T68i Is Not Ugly!

that is all!
Posted: 2003-11-10 08:52:32
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malinda Posts: 381

On 2003-11-10 08:52:32, vinnieza wrote:
so your saying the t68i is "uggly square shit" ?????

No way is the T68i UGLY, it was one of the best looking phones out and still is in my oppinion, that's the reason i really really wanted it.

The T68i Is Not Ugly!

that is all!

I'm with you T68i THE best Phone by Mores of the futures that are in the so call new phoneS like (T230/T608/T610/T630/Z600/Z200) comes from the T68i...
Posted: 2003-11-10 09:37:40
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Vlammetje Posts: > 500

However, on the whole of the phones market, does make a more 'bulky' type. If you care a lot about your phone being sleek and small and cute, most phones do not qualify.

Now if you care about features (even if packed in a 'bulky' package).....
Posted: 2003-11-11 10:16:25
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sn3ipen Posts: > 500

You talk about that have bulky phones. Try to look at all the tacos nokia is produsing.
Posted: 2003-11-11 17:16:14
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Universal Exports Posts: > 500

Posted: 2003-11-11 17:20:35
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