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rabvtec Posts: 19

Jeez! What a loada heave-ho over picture quality and CCD v CMOS! I may be a noob to this forum but I've many years in others including many on digicams ...

As bico says, we got to remember this is a phone with a camera and NOT the other way around! IMHO, as the first candy bar phone to sport a 2meg AUTOFOCUS camera, SE have done a remarkable job.

Sure, there will be firmware to 'improve' this and 'fix' other bugs, but what piece of electronic hardware these days doesn't?! (my PC's NVidia card gets 'fixes' AT LEAST once a month).

Enjoy the phone, learn the phone ... and have FUN with the phone!
Posted: 2005-05-31 02:03:45
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kooki Posts: 381

well i dunno much about digi cams but what im told is ccd makes sharper images...and cmos technology is older...recently cmos has picked up in high end digi cams.
i called up a few people too and it is true that the k750 will have a ccd sensor soon
Posted: 2005-05-31 17:56:17
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jmbillings Posts: 196

tbh I dont think the tiny lenses on these cameras allow the full quality to come through. My "real" digicam is only 2Mp as its a few years old, and while the pics I have seen people post from the K750 are good, they aren't a patch on those from a proper camera. A lot of this is down to the small lens, it will never focus light as accurately and without colour splitting as much as a decent lens. Its the same as those cheap chuck-away cameras with a 35mm film in them - my SLR gives much better results simply because the lens is of higher quality.
CCD may be technically better than CMOS, but I dont think the difference will be enough to worry about - look at the differences in the pictures people are taking with the current K750, some are fantastic, some are not so great!
Sleep well people!

Posted: 2005-05-31 18:21:58
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bico Posts: > 500

@kooki: I'm sorry to tell you, but according to some sources the CCD technology is older than the CMOS technology:

Quote:CCDs have been mass-produced for over 25 years whereas CMOS technology has only just begun the mass production phase.

For further information, take a look at this post, posted earlier in this thread.
Posted: 2005-05-31 20:58:08
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dave_uk Posts: > 500

As someone who knows next to nothing about digital imaging, having merely read the information in the comparison below. It seems fairly obvious that CCD is superior to CMOS, and that the justification for CMOS is that it is:

a)more flexible
c)lower on power consumption, but and there is no getting away from this,
d) poorer in image quality.

It is clear that CMOS is therefore attractive to mobile device manufacturers, as it allows easier integration into their systems and consumes less power (not to mention lower production costs). However, equally, it is clear that the resulting images are compromised.

Having said this, it seems unlikely that would take the decision to implement this cheaper, more efficient, technology (with it's obvious benefits to them) and then decide to increase the manufacturing cost and upset the market. It makes no commercial sense and I would therefore conclude that rumours of this upgrade must be false (though that would not rule out a different model - say the S700i replacement - using a CCD sensor).

But, as I said, I know next to nothing about digital imaging...
Posted: 2005-05-31 21:08:30
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bico Posts: > 500

As dave_uk indicates: CCD technology in S700! CCD technology in S750?
Posted: 2005-05-31 21:42:12
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jofullalove Posts: 28

I think that my k750i camera is really really good. The quality is brill. CCD may be an improvement, but it will only be slight plus the ccd version will probably hike up the price a bit. If i were you guys contemplating waiting for an updated version (assuming there will definately be one...) i wouldn't bother.
Posted: 2005-06-02 16:47:43
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ares Posts: > 500

Quote:look at the differences in the pictures people are taking with the current K750, some are fantastic, some are not so great! same is true with ANY camera

K750 CMOS camera vs Minolta and Canon CCD cameras test here

Bottom line: i´ll buy a k750 once i can, despite having a CMOS or a CCD - has an amateur photographer i´m already satisfied with what i see right now

Not much difference actually...SE done a remarkable job with this CMOS

I figure CCD will only be real noticed in low light photos and even there i don´t know if improvemente is gonna be all that big (look at s700 low light photos)

k700i + hbh 600

[ This Message was edited by: Arez on 2005-06-02 16:26 ]
Posted: 2005-06-02 17:22:01
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Krubach Posts: > 500

May i say that the comparison shown on that website are not correct since ALL photos in the comparison are pictures taken inside a room and doesn't have photos with natural light.
Something is missing...

Can someone please edit the first post and change the "impove" to "improve"... if i got it right... :?

Stop looking at me. I don't like people looking at me like that.

Fórmula1 em Português:

[ This Message was edited by: Krubach on 2005-06-03 10:12 ]
Posted: 2005-06-03 11:08:13
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rabvtec Posts: 19

As far as I'm concerned, I'm happy with the quality of the shots taken with my K750i. If I want a 'better/sharper/etc' image, I'll take along my Pentax digicam.

I know people in this thread aren't 'really' complaining about the quality of the images (are they ... ?) from this phone because the K750i has been a brave and IMO, a successful venture by SE in squeezing 2megapixels into such a small device AND producing acceptable images!

The debate between CMOS v CCD is only really relevant when discussing images produced by 'proper' digital cameras. The advantages of CCD over CMOS here, cannot be accurately measured with the naked eye ... Read forums on the images produced by any small digicam and you'll find the same discussions, so SE aren't doing too bad here, folks.

As we all know with technology, it will soon be producing phones with 2meg+ optical zoom cams and so on ... oooh, I can't wait ^___^
Posted: 2005-06-03 11:15:42
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