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Network operators : Europe : ‘The mobile phone rip-off’ Dispatches to be aired tonight
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

Lol well i'd like to see this so hope it will be repeated I hate Virgin Media or NTL lately everythings screwed up didn't have access to Channels 3,4,5 and +4 Monday nite
Posted: 2008-04-30 03:21:00
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lovewalrus Posts: 480

Can you not watch it pine using 4OD?

This message was posted from a BlackBerry 8110
Posted: 2008-04-30 09:24:13
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Daedalus85 Posts: > 500

Yes, I do work for one of those 'theieving companies' as you put it

Whats worse is, Channel 4 didn't even offer the networks an advance copy of the programme so they could put right any slander etc, they just ignored their requests and put it straight on air, making it even worse :/

There are companies far far worse out there than your mobile phone
Posted: 2008-04-30 10:59:36
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stevevalo Posts: 189

It's not just Mobile companies, there are all at it.[....]+%C2%A31.50+a+litre/

And its not going to get any better!
Posted: 2008-04-30 11:08:03
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goldenface Posts: > 500

I was slammed once whilst on Orange. I was contacted by a third party seller who signed me up for a new contract when I still had about 4 months left on my current one, with a whole set of new charges and my K700i hadn't even arrived.

However, when I told Orange they gladly refunded the money etc and sorted it out proper.

There is too much hard sell, though - you just have to be on your guard. More and more phones are being sold online now though - its much less hassle.

Posted: 2008-04-30 11:56:38
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

its not on 4oD theres 1 about Iraq tho on there but u have to go thru Tv Choice! Anyway its on More4 at 9pm tonite again I scrolled down all the 4's and saw it! Just hope Virgin dont mess up later again actually V Plusing it to! Hope its a intresting watch u lot
Posted: 2008-04-30 16:36:00
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tempus Posts: 19

We all know that mobile phone calls, sms ect are a rip off but mobile phones have become part of modern life. I know that some countries charge you for recieving calls but when I was away in the far east a few years ago I could make a phone call to the UK for free!
Posted: 2008-05-02 10:46:15
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

I didn't get how if consumers walked into a phoneshop then they'd be subjected to taking contracts out.

are they stupid that they cannot say no? and leave the shop premises?
ive never been in this situation before,

onetime Phones4u tried to get me out of my contract with 02,
they'd pay it off, but the deal with Vodafone wasn't very good in my eyes so I left it they weren't amused but tuff im not being forced into something I don't want!

if people are dumb enough to fall for that then there idiots!
ive seen a few teenage kids with my handset and im thinking how did they get that? ahh the parent's prob paying the contract lol or were they marched in at tantrum point

Phone stores will not subjects kids into contracts but the parents,
if there so stupid then be it I say!

Posted: 2008-05-05 05:31:53
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5nak3 Posts: 364

while most of the costs mentioned were no suprise, I feel that all those people who were complaining about getting forced contracts believing in cash back schemes etc...have only themselves to blame.

No one is making you sign, yes they may put more pressure on you but end of the day you can walk out.

The one thing which did annoy me was the cost of roaming, while i understand it is expensive and I've known that for a long time now I think that the cost is by no means fair and really should have come down a lot more by now.

One thing which confuses me actually is certain contracts e.g. O2's where they allow you to send messages from your allowance when abroad at the cost of 4 sms for each one you send. Couldn't they do the same with minutes? This way they allow voice calls.

Or how about another service where when the customer goes abroad they can agrees to pay an additional fee for the months they are abroad e.g. £10-£15 pound a month and then they are allowed to use their minutes and texts abroad as they would at home.

Surely it cant be that expensive for the company to allow you to use your minutes abroad. Although they will no doubt see a drop in profits particularly considering they make a lot of money from roaming costs.
Posted: 2008-05-05 09:27:17
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

Roaming charges are to big and yes they need to come down even 38p is still too much are they having a laugh?

I don't think i'll take my Vodafone contract with me abroad as the charges are way to much! 02 are cheaper when I was in Berlin for 3 days they charged me £2.06p for that Vodafone prob charge me triple

best to go PrePay abroad until they get they acts into order

I didn't know to say on behalf of the cash backs schemes they work for some yet not for others
Posted: 2008-05-05 15:58:19
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